Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Similarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates - 1250 Words

Machiavelli and Socrates are two of the most influential figures in modern day political philosophy. These two individuals established the bases for our interpretation of the world and human political interaction. While they were separated by centuries and a significant geographic distance, it is fascinating nonetheless to ponder what they would think of each other. Sadly it is impossible to ask themselves and so we must instead turn to their writings in order to glean an idea of what their opinions would be. What this investigation reveals is that Socrates would have detested the philosophies of Machiavelli. Principally, the two men differ on three very important matters of belief. These items are the role of advising and questioning,†¦show more content†¦This conflicts heavily with Socrates views in a multitude of ways. While Socrates believes that all should be able to question and advise the government, Machiavelli believes that this should fall only to the selected few. Also, while Socrates believes that man should be questioning always, especially when the leaders do not wish for it, Machiavelli believes that the government only need take advice at its desire. This forms a major division in opinions and approach to governance. Again the backgrounds of the two writers become apparent with Socrates following a democratic model and Machiavelli following a monarchical model. A second major division between Socrates and Machiavelli’s methods of thinking lies within their belief in method of governance. Machiavelli supports within his writings the idea of a supreme ruler with absolute power. Furthermore, he suggests that for this ruler â€Å"it is much safer to be feared than loved.† Machiavelli believes that this is preferable as it is easier to weather tough times through fear than love. His logic in this being that love will degrade during hardship while fear will not. Socrates, on the other hand, derives from a city of democracy and checked power. This colors his beliefs and opinions to be those based in equality and rule through consent. Machiavelli suggests that a leader’s power should be absolute in order to better control a populace and a country. He suggests that this ruler should be able to do asShow MoreRelatedSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1197 Words   |  5 Pages Socrates and Machiavelli both grew up in t imes of political instability which formed and shaped their political beliefs. Machiavelli primarily discussed his view of how a leader should behave in the book: The Prince. A prince is an individual who is the leader of a state or group of people. Machiavelli’s version of a prince is very accurate but, Socrates would not support Machiavelli’s version of a prince. Machiavelli believed a prince must be domineering and aggressive, while Socrates viewedRead MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1905 Words   |  8 PagesEssay 1 While Socrates and Machiavelli lived over 1900 years apart, the dilemmas their societies faced draw many parallels. In Machiavelli’s â€Å"The Prince†, he demonstrates a wide-ranging set of rules and principles to be followed by a leader to ensure the steady maintenance of authority and stability in a state or principality. Not only would Socrates be opposed to many of the espoused views in â€Å"The Prince† on what creates a successful ruler, thereby society, but had he lived in Machiavelli’s â€Å"ideal†Read MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1084 Words   |  5 Pagesamong them were Socrates and Machiavelli, whose ideas regarding violence and its ideal usage to us inspired countless other prominent figures after their respective times. Socrates believed humans are imperfect and fallible, and should therefore avoid using violence. Machiavelli on the on the other hand considered violence a useful tool in achieving one’s goals . Considering both thinkers’ impacts on history, a question arises: whose concept of violence is more corrupting, Socrates’ or Machiavelli’sRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1534 Words   |  7 PagesGovernment 241: Political Philosophy Professor Ives October 13, 2017 The morality which guided Socrates were an end all, be all for him. He did not wish to live without his search for truth. Socrates would see a Machiavellian Prince as self-centered, and void of morals. A Machiavellian prince would not appreciate the way Socrates carried himself and would see him as a challenge to his authority. Socrates would not support a Machiavellian society because most likely he would not be free to philosophizeRead MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1649 Words   |  7 PagesSocrates and Machiavelli both existed during times of political unrest. Both men sought different means of political leadership, and could be seen as activists of their times. During times of war and unrest, it was a bold choice that both men made to stand up for their beliefs and speak out against the system. However, Socrates wouldn’t have agreed with Machiavelli’s means and concepts of the Prince and his ideas for how a political establishment should function . Machiavelli’s means may have beenRead MoreSimilarities Between Machiavelli And Socrates1544 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates agree on very little. While an initial reading of the two may elicit some comparisons, the goals of their respective philosophies rely on different foundations, and would therefore culminate in very different political results for society. Socrates would likely see in the Prince a selfish ruler, while Machiavelli would see in Socrates a dangerous idealist whose ideas would lead to instability and the death of the state in which these ideas were implemented. Machiavelli’sRead MoreSimilarities Between Socrates And Machiavelli1803 Words   |  8 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates were beings of their time. The world around them shaped their views, and their views have in turn shaped ours. While both lived through turbulent times, they do not share the same ideology. Socrates would dislike Machiavelli’s description of the ideal princ e, regardless of how the prince actually ruled. Socrates would oppose both how the prince got to power and keeps it, as well as the society over which he rules. Socrates assigned certain responsibilities to both the rulerRead MoreSimilarities Of Socrates And Machiavelli1669 Words   |  7 PagesBoth Socrates and Machiavelli emerged as renowned thinkers of their time because of their approaches to government that moved away from idealism and towards a rational and real approach. To understand why Socrates would be critical of Machiavelli’s concept of a Prince we must understand the similarities and differences between the two philosophers, and then analyze if Socrates would find his ruling system to be efficient. Socrates and Machiavelli value the qualities of a strong and fair ruler, howeverRead MoreMachiavelli And Socrates1579 Words   |  7 PagesMachiavelli and Socrates Niccolo Machiavelli and Socrates both lived during turbulent, political times. Machiavelli in Florence, Italy and Socrates in Athens. Machiavelli’s The Prince outlines the necessary features and traits of a sovereign, primarily, a Prince. It served as a handbook to effective rulership in the 16th century. By analyzing Machiavelli’s belief that a prince should be strategically feared, the role of free will , and the role of the people , I will argue that Machiavelli hasRead MoreThe Ideas Of Machiavelli And Socrates1988 Words   |  8 PagesThe ideas of Machiavelli and Socrates have influenced the leadership styles and approaches of leaders around the world. From Stalin to the founding fathers of the United States, Machiavellian influenced motives and ideals can be seen throughout modern history. Socrates is often referred to as the founder of Western philosophy, and his teachings have been passed on to leaders over the centuries. This paper will state both the Machiavel li’s concept of a ‘Prince’, and present Socrates’ perspective on

Monday, December 16, 2019

Understanding Bodybuilding Free Essays

If Greek mythology existed, bodybuilding would be the sport made for the gods. It is a sport that demands more than most can give. Bodybuilding is not for the faint of heart, nor the weak minded. We will write a custom essay sample on Understanding Bodybuilding or any similar topic only for you Order Now To be successful is this grueling sport you must have the mentality of success imprinted on your thoughts everyday. Once you have achieved this mentality you no longer spend idle time pondering empty thoughts, but instead you learn to use your mind consciously, every day, as if being in a constant state of meditation, with your thoughts fixed on the end result. Having that end result be the ability to unveil something that is more then beautiful. Before I sold my soul to my education, I was an active bodybuilder who loved everything about the sport. I was introduced to this sport when I was 12, although I remember it like it was yesterday. I went with my mom to the grocery store to try and convince her that buying Reeses would somehow be a great idea. As we were walking I decided to look for the biggest bag I could find. I cut through the section with all the magazines to get to the candy isle as quick as possible. It was in that isle, on a muscle mag magazine that I first saw a picture of a man named Dorian Yates. A man that stood 6’1, 270lbs, with what looked like only muscle. I remember staring at the front cover for what felt like a lifetime, I knew from that second, that’s what I want to look like. I no longer wanted to be a pro football player, or a pro basketball player; I wanted to be a professional bodybuilder. I forgot completely about the candy, found my mom and asked if I could push the cart from then on. Of course, at that time I was too young to venture into anything that resembled a bodybuilding lifestyle, yet I still used my little weights every night. It wasn’t until I was 18 that my bodybuilding mentality took over my mind. Going into my first year of high school I met this girl who slowly became my upmost passion. We started dating before I could even drive, until my first semester in college, she was my world. I loved everything about this girl and was certain she was that one I would spend the rest of my life with. However, mid way through my first semester in college she decided it was best to go our separate ways. Completely devastated, and young, I came up with the idea I wasn’t enough, that if I had could become something more then great she would have never left. I then turned to bodybuilding, first in the mentality of hate, channeling my emotions through the pain of lifting. But as time went by my idea of doing this for her transformed to having bodybuilding became infused into who I was. Everything I read, everything I thought about was bodybuilding. I went from spending money on going out and clothes, to supplements and protein. No matter what life through at me, no matter how upset I became, I could always set foot in a gym and forget the worries of the world. Walking into a gym was like stepping on a battle field, I knew I would have to fight my way through heavy sets of iron resistance to come out on the other side victorious. With weight stacked against me I would sit down on the closest bench, eyes closed and music blaring, concentrating on the task I had before me. I would think to myself: pain is temporary, but glory is forever. That no matter what, I was going to get this weight up even if it destroyed me in the process. By the time I opened my eyes I had become so focused on that I had to do that I could only see the weight I needed to overcome. It was as if I summoned all the strength I had in me to be ready to take on the world. I then would perform the exercise. As I brought the weight down to my chest I knew I was in for a fight. And then it began, as I pressed the weight off my chest with all my strength I had I told myself ignore the pain, become great. Seeing a bodybuilding yell as he is trying to finish a repetition is more then beautiful to me. It’s our on way of saying I’m not giving up till I’ve won. To me, each time I perform an exercise is one step closer in becoming great. I feel that most everyone has a misunderstood concept of what bodybuilding is and means. This sport isn’t a hobby, or something you can do on the side. This has to be a lifestyle, a passion, and a desire. When I was an active bodybuilder I viewed myself as an artist working on a masterpiece. It’s the mind not the body that determines your success as a bodybuilder; it’s mental aspect that allows you to press past the pain barrier, to enjoy being in the gym for countless hours, and to lust for more. Your mind is what sculpts your body into art. I also believe people view bodybuilders somewhat gross, or obsessed. I feel like everyone is so used to seeing someone who is in average shape, with little to no definition, someone who doesn’t have the time or discipline to sculpt their body. This makes bodybuilders look freakishly, and unattractive, rather then beautiful, and full of hard work and sacrifice. These are the people who don’t understand what is actually involved in this sport. Bodybuilding is one of the fastest growing sports in the world. It is a great challenge, and a great success. There are many aspects in becoming a great bodybuilder like, having good nutrition, a choice of good supplements, good training hours, preparation for competition, and a good mind frame. If all these aspects are met then there is a future. Most people stereotype bodybuilders as a â€Å"meat head† or someone who lifts religiously and gains mass. Although this is true in almost every case, lifting weights is only responsible for a quarter of the results. Nutrition is a large percentage of a bodybuilder’s success; it determines how well they effectively apply knowledge to nutrition. The limiting factor to the ultimate success of your workout is what happens after you leave the gym. This is one of the biggest misunderstood concepts for someone who is trying to excel in this life style. Nutrition consists of macronutrients and micronutrients. The macronutrients consist of protein, carbohydrates, fat, and water. The micronutrients are vitamins, minerals, and trace elements. The best source of nutrition is through whole foods. A bodybuilder should never allow the use of supplements to overshadow the consumption of whole foods. For a bodybuilder the most confusing part about the sport is making sure of good nutrition and diet. Another fundamental element of success is allowing your body to recover. A bodybuilder gains size when torn muscle fibers are reconnected or â€Å"patched† with new muscle tissue. The added tissue gives you that swollen look that every bodybuilder lusts for. Bodybuilding, in all its aspects, has many similarities with a lot of activities we find ourselves consumed in. As football players strive to achieve new skills in practice, so do bodybuilders in a gym. It takes just as much focus and willpower to not only play this sport, but to continue it everyday. It requires as much focus and determinate as a college student trying to excel in his classes. There was one point in my life where I was completely consumed by bodybuilding. I started out with a fragile frame, consisting of a mere 125 pathetic pounds. Not knowing much of anything about this sport, I would stay up at night in search of the greatest motivational quotes to help me maintain on my path. Regardless of what I had in front of me, my mind was constantly fixed on my workout session that was to come. The greatest feeling for me was to wake up in pain; with that pain meaning I put in enough effort in the gym for my body to realize it. I loved every aspect of lifting, from buying bigger clothes to the research of supplements. After obtaining three very hard and grueling years, and falling into an addiction to steroids, I was finally shaping into a monster. Standing only 5’11, I achieved to grow to a massive 220 pounds. I remember vividly the reaction of friends and family members that hadn’t seen me in some time. Astonished, some reacted in a positive way telling me how impressive it was, I can only remember however, the people who told me I had taken this idea to an extreme. Id be lying if I told you this didn’t bother me. I had put in so much effort and sacrificed so much to become what I was. So many asked â€Å"why do you do it, why do you like it, the process looks so painful. † For so long I couldn’t fathom to try to put a reason into words. After many failed attempts to explain why I gave up trying to explain to so many eager to understand. It wasn’t until I read a quote from a bodybuilding magazine that an athlete had stated after he had one a competition could I explain my obsession for greatness. The quote, â€Å"the reason I do all that, put my body through all that†¦is because I love it. † As little as that explains to many, it was the perfect explanation to me. The reason I put myself through all the pain and sacrifice, was because I loved it. Bodybuilding was my passion, my obsession; it had became so great in my life that it captivated me. After all was said and done, I was met with disappointment, as I came to realize the worlds opposition on bodybuilders. I wish I could tell you that I stayed true with my dreams, or that I didn’t let the world decide what looked best, but I did. For as long as I can remember, all I wanted was to be Dorain Yates, to be great. I wish I could explain what it felt like to accomplish a dream only to have it turn against you. For the first time in what felt like forever, I no longer wanted to be great, I wanted to be â€Å"normal. † Maybe I had taken it too far, maybe they were right, or maybe they all had a misunderstood concept of what bodybuilding is really about. How to cite Understanding Bodybuilding, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Competitive Interference in Entertainment Media

Question: Discuss about the Competitive Interference in Entertainment Media. Answer: Introduction: Integrated marketing communication generally refers to the extended approach for achieving the marketing objectives through different promotional activities. The effective integrated communication plan helps in recognising the value of a comprehensive plan, which explores different types of communication process. On the other hand, word of mouth is one of the most powerful strategies for establishing the marketing communications. The positive word of mouth helps in building Trust, Customer Buzz, and Loyalty. For example, Starbucks, the famous Coffee Shop has built an emperor in marketing communication process through the efficient word of mouth strategy (Socialmediaweek.org, 2016). The company did not rely on the traditional advertisement process to ensure the growth opportunity. The company invested a commendable amount on strengthening the social media presence. Extracting the customer feedbacks is most effective process of establishing word of mouth that spreads awareness among th e potential customers. The positive word of mouth creates the customer buzz, which is necessary for promoting the products and make people aware of the product features. Starbucks has used such strategy to establish the effective promotional marketing of the products. Product placement helps in spreading awareness for new products, service, or brands. The customers can avail the opportunity of accessing alternative products and services for their use through the effective product placement process. The product placement of Adidas is mainly concentrating on television marketing. The product placement is the second line of promotional marketing of Adidas (Hang, 2014). The sports companies are associated with the sponsorship programmes for ensuring the effective product placements. The effective public relation strategy is much helpful in reaching to the public, competitors and business clients. The maintenance of the skilled PR strategy attracts the business clients as well as the potential customers for establishing the future sustainability. References Hang, H. (2014). Brand-placement effectiveness and competitive interference in entertainment media.Journal of Advertising Research,54(2), 192-199. Socialmediaweek.org, (2016). Word of Mouth Case Studies from Superdry and Starbucks. [online] Social Media Week. Available at: https://socialmediaweek.org/blog/2014/01/social-marketing-word-mouth-case-studies-superdry-starbucks/ [Accessed 24 Jan. 2017].